30th January 2005 | 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
107.5 FM Radio |
7.30 pm Saturday | 29th January | Agnes Whyte |
11 am Sunday | 30th January | Christina Shiel |
10 am Monday | 31st January | Special Intention (G.) |
10 am Tuesday | 1st February | Martin & Brigid Reilly & Joe Feury |
7pm Wednesday | 2nd February | Feast of Presentation Candlemas - Blessing of Candles for the year |
7pm Thursday | 3rd February | Feast Of St.Blaise - Blessing of the Throats Mass |
7pm Friday | 4th February | B.Rose Tobin |
12 noon Saturday | 5th February | Mary Ward - Months Mind |
7.30pm Saturday | 5th February | Bernard Naughton |
11am Sunday | 6th February | Childrens Mass - Frank Ryan |
12 noon Sunday | 6th February | Joe Feury - Months Mind |
Offertory Collection for last weekend was
€493.32; CURA €390.37
Sanctuary Candles for blessing on
Wednesday 2nd February available in the sacristy 3 euro each
Friday next is the first Friday in
February. Sick and housebound will be visited
Next weekend the annual collection for
the Diocesan Pilgramage to Lourdes will be taken up. Please be as generous as
you can. I went with the Diocesan Pilgrimage last year for the first time and
I have to say that I was extremely impressed with the mighty work done by all
the volunteer helpers with quite a large wheel chair group (incl. Fr.Declan
Gordon). This collection is held each year on the weekend before the Feast of
Our Lady of Lourdes - 11th February - which is also World Day of Prayer for
the Sick. The Mass on that Friday evening will be at 7pm and will
incorporate the Sacrament of the Sick for anyone who wishes to receive it. I
will try also to give the sacrament to anyone unable to come to Mass earlier
in the day if they let me know in advance
Papers at the back of the Church: "Irish
Catholic" 80c & "The Voice" €1, It would
be an excellent thing to make it a new years resolution to get at least one
Catholic Paper per week in your home. I notice that very few, in fact, none,
of the papers without of the names have been taken over the last several
weeks. So I am inviting you to take a paper free of charge and I will pay for
them from the Church Account. If you read them, I think you will find
them interesting. I will expect payment for them from the 1st March on
and if they are not taken during March I will cancel them at the end of March
Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe:
Remembrance Service for parents who have suffered a bereavment through the
death of their children, miscarriage or stillbirth on Wednesday, 2nd February
at 7.30pm in the Hospital Chapel
Pastoral Council: If anyone wants to put
anything on the agenda, please contact Ann at 9627329 or Dolores at 9627277
Stations: 8pm Friday 11th:
Kellysgrove: Brid & Joe Moore
8pm Friday 25th February: Liskelly: Paula & Tony Larkin
All funerals in so far as possible from
now on going to the new part of the graveyard should go around by the pitch.
The roadway in to the back of the goalposts has been improve
It is hoped that tarmacadam around the
church and to the pathways in the cemetery will be done shortly. Eave shoots
also need to be repaired, and hopefully will be done soon. Contractor has been
invited to give a tender
Anyone wishing to contribute to a short
history of the parish should contact Joe Molloy
There will an information evening on
Wednesday 2nd February at 7.30pm in Ardscoil Mhuire, Ballinasloe for incoming
first year students.
Kiltormer Camogie Club Registration for
2005 will take place on Monday 31st January in Kiltormer Complex. Individuals
15euro, family 20euro. Indoor camogie every Monday at 7pm in Kiltormer
Complex, Under 8 and upwards
Local bus service on the first friday of
every month to Athlone. Also door-to-door service available to Ballinasloe
every Saturday. Travel pass - free. Adults - 5euro return, Students 3euro. to
Book: IRD 090 9741867
Altar Society for February: Martina
Curley/Claire Dolphin
Progressive 25 in the Golf Club every
Tuesday at 9pm
Kiltormer GAA Club Weekly Lotto: Jackpot
€8000. Numbers drawn: 8, 17, 23, 25. Winner: none. Lucky dip Winners: Mary
Hayes, Conor Donnelly, Noelle O Donnell, Margaret Dolan, Patrick Hanlon.
Sellers Prize: Sean Tully. House Prize: Ann Mariner. Next Draw in the Hill Bar
Kiltormer on Sunday 30th January 2005. Jackpot: 8200euro. Thank you for your
continued support.
Saturday 5th: Martina Brock | Sunday 6th: Catherine Lyons |
Ministers of the Eucharist:
Saturday 5th: Bernie Cooke | Sunday 6th: Mai Burke |
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